Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What Napoles and plundering lawmakers deserve

Everyone is spewing his and her wrath on Janet Napoles for how she plundered money from Filipino taxpayers without batting an eyelash, or a hint of a conscience, and then living a lifestyle that would put to shame even legitimate self-made billionaires.  If the wrath is made of fire then she would have been toasted to bits by now, dark foul-smelling bits.  That is if she could be found.  Or if she understands wrath in the first place.   Or if indeed fire can penetrate her thick skin because apparently, she is made of sterner stuff, if you didn’t notice.

She deserves the scorn, hatred and punishment that is commensurate to the desecration of the lives of millions, such as being toasted to bits.  But something is wrong.  Alarmingly wrong.  We are, it seems, missing the point, mistaking the rotten Napoles tree for the entire dark corruption forest.  She couldn’t do it alone.  That’s a fact.  She is merely a rotten opportunist taking advantage of an opening made possible by bigger and more rotten opportunistic worms who bore holes in the pork barrel.  They are also known as Senators, and Congressmen, and people in high government positions; those whose positions demand that they be called “Your Honor My Ass.”

At least Napoles did not promise she would serve the people, she is a rotten thief after all, not a public servant; thieves do not announce when they are going to strike.  But politicians promised they would, not that they are believed that they really would, but at least they can be made accountable to their word, for whatever it was worth, which to many poor voters, apparently is everything.

Where is the righteous indignation Jinggoy Estrada regularly dishes when he interrogates hapless witnesses and resource speakers in Senate investigations?  Hundreds of millions of pesos of his pork barrel disappearing in a black hole and the best he could do is wash his hands?  Or claim that he is too big to check the little details, like for example if the NGOs he is signing the citizens’ money to are in fact legit?  Or maybe he knows that they are not that’s why he signed them away with gusto, and that probably explains his lamest of lame alibi.  Come on, you could be more imaginative than that, Your Honor My Ass Senator Jinggoy.

At least Bong Revilla, your childhood buddy and co-B movie actor, who by the way also released tons of money away to phony NGOs, does not actively take the stage in senate investigations, he is too busy acting as if he is listening and contemplating the facts and evidences, reading them as if they were lines in the scripts of his unimaginative Panday movies.  And mind you, he is setting his sights on the presidency in 2016, a fact that he conveniently uses to deflect questions why his pork barrel also found its way into the Napoles black hole: Gusto-lang-nilang-idiskaril-ang-aking-political-plans My Ass.

The grand old lord of Philippine politics, Juan Ponce Enrile is likewise silent, which is golden, and which is also probably the worth of his pork barrel over centuries of his servitude to the Filipino people My Ass.  Yup, he steered the Corona impeachment mighty well, showcasing his encyclopedic knowledge of the Philippine laws.  And perhaps because of this knowledge combined with his grasp of the Philippine political psyche which he, himself, helped shape since Martial Law days, has greatly helped him deduce that using money to fund ghost projects – or giving away Senate money as Christmas gifts to allies -- is a magic trick that one can pull off even with the clumsiest sleight of hand.  And when confronted he just needs to scowl, whip up the imagined unblemished centuries-long track record of servitude to motherland My Ass, and dare accusers to show evidence to prove any wrongdoings.  If that’s not enough, he can always resign from a post (Senate Presidency) that is certainly not going to be his anyway.

Oh, and they are not the only ones.  I’m sure many senators and congressmen, even those who are allied to the administration (calling the surprisingly silent Trillanes) have their own share of disappearing pork barrel funds, or if they’re not involved in such trickery then they are still equally guilty because they know that such things happen regularly but instead they choose to look away, washing their hands by claiming, but-we-are-true-to-our-part-of-the-pork My Ass.

So yes we can spew our wrath on Napoles and her family as we should and we must.  But hey, the biggest and most vile scorn must be dealt to the politicians who allowed this system to be institutionalized.  While mothers scrounge for grains to line their starving children’s stomach, politico’s children nimbly wipe away the slightest grease off their lips after partaking of bland tasting meals from fancy restaurants before hopping on to their sleek shiny rides that would spew high-octane exhaust on the noses of streetchildren who would perhaps wish that they too had parents who could afford such lavish things.

And to think society places great respect to those who look disente, mabango and kagalang-galang My Ass.  Well, rotten politicians and their families can certainly dress and look the part because that’s all that they could do – dress and look the part, because they are rotten as hell to the core.

Mr. President, before your mother died and you announced your candidacy, I was prepared to not vote for any candidate because I didn’t believe that those who signified their intention for running really had good intentions.  I voted for you not because I believed in you, but because I believed in what your parents stood for, and never mind that I consider your sister Kris as the most self-centered individual in the face of Philippine show business.  You have shown streaks of hardheadedness, show some of it now.

Please, stop the pork barrel system now and send to jail everyone who abused it – friend or foe, more so if he is a friend.

I would love to hear you say to your friends in politics: Kaibigan kita pero boss ko ang mga tao at gusto ka nilang maparusahan sa pandarambong mo sa kanilang pera at tiwala.

If all 24 senators and the almost 300 congressmen go to jail if they are found guilty of shaming a nation, then so be it.  I don’t think our nation’s government will stop.  In fact, it may even move, at last.

I am not thirsting for blood, or seeking to see heads roll.  I simply want change.  Not only in the system but in the blanket of apathy that shrouds the citizenry.  “Bakit nga naman mag-iingay o makiki-alam kung wala rin namang mangyayari.” This is the mantra of the common people that must be turned around.

Only when people can see that those that have mocked and deprived them of their lot and dignity burn into rotten bits can there be a cathartic release for a citizenry looking for change, but too tired and too numb to care.

Let us not forget that it is not only the Napoleses that deserve our wrath.  It is everyone who promised service in exchange for our votes.

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