Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chief Justice Corona walks out of the Impeachment Court

He walked out! The accused, after mouthing self serving statements and leaving a trail of vile accusations that he himself knows he cannot prove in any credible court of law, has just walked out on the Impeachment Court; without being cross examined and without presenting documentary evidences that would prove his claim of innocence.

I am floored that the Chief of the Supreme Court could behave like that.  He was dramatic, senseless, and ultimately, scheming – laying down a trap that he knows will put everyone in a bind.  He signed a waiver then sets a condition for its submission; that everyone signs a similar document.  Scheming.

And his entire defense rests on his boo-hoo story of how he and his wife were thrifty to a fault such that the millions that the court has found in bank accounts, and which he was being asked to explain, were only because of such aversion to spending.  Come on.

And he tries to explain how the amounts in his dollar accounts were amassed because he began to invest in dollars as early as the late 1960s; having the foresight to correctly predict that the Philippine peso would weaken.  What a pessimist, don’t you think so?  Betting against your country? My, he was not only a brilliant lawyer but a shrewd financial expert.  Wow!

And he does not show proof or amounts.  He just walks out

And he said he knowingly did not declare these dollar accounts because, according to his interpretation of the laws, dollar deposits should not appear on the SALN.  Aren’t we in trouble if the highest magistrate of the land thinks along the lines of crooks who agree that dollar deposits are safe from scrutiny? Wow!

The Chief Justice of the land, walks out; without being made to explain for his statements or to answer the questions which everyone is begging to be answered.  He just walks out, without showing respect for the court that has given his title the respect that it deserves.  Wow!

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